Events & Experiences

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Community-Wide Events to Support Joy & Connection

Our vibrant community fosters independence and daily joy through engaging events and activities that promote fun, connection, and personal well-being.

We believe in the power of a supportive community. That’s why we create practical yet enriching experiences that spark joy, learning, and friendship. And because we value our residents’ interests, we create experiences that align with their desires.

Schedule a visit to check out the activities and events planned for this month.

A Wide Variety of Experiences

We thrive on diversity, so we offer various activities catering to various passions and interests, including:

  • Bridge club
  • Flower-arranging workshops
  • Happy hours
  • Guest speakers

These activities go beyond simple entertainment—they foster connections, enrich minds, and encourage personal growth.

What’s Around The Grand at Chesterfield?

Chesterfield offers many activities, making it an engaging community to explore. Enjoy peaceful walks or picnics at Chesterfield Central Park, catch live performances at the Chesterfield Amphitheater, shop and dine at local malls and shopping centers, or immerse yourself in creativity at local art galleries.

Each spot provides unique experiences to enjoy culture, nature, and community connection.

Participation is easy—every resident can join the fun and exploration with organized transportation.

Grande Experiences

Providing a variety of events and experiences for our residents makes each day a new adventure where they can have some fun with their friends in the community. 

Schedule a visit and join in on the fun.

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